
Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Penipuan Dengan Kedok MER-C Dan Bantuan Palestina

Anda mungkin termasuk orang yang menerima sms yang berbunyi seperti ini:

Innalillahi wainna ilaihi roojiun. Baru saja dapat kabar mobil Tim MER-C yang membawa dokter-dokter dari seluruh dunia menuju Palestina dibombardir oleh Israel laknatullah, 19 org mati syahid, insya Allah. 12 org Dokter Tim MER-C blm ditemukan. Mhn doanya dari semua mu’min/mu’minah,"

"YAYASAN MER-C: Rakyat Palestina sangat butuh bantuan. Mari kita sumbang rakyat Palestina. Sumbangan bisa dikirim ke BANK MANDIRI No. Rek. 1300010623505, a/n. Maryuni,"

Ternyata sebuah penipuan. Melalui detik.com , MER-C memberikan pernyataan dan klarifikasinya.

MER-C menegaskan, kedua info dari SMS tersebut adalah info yang menyesatkan. Untuk itu, MER-C mengimbau agar masyarakat tidak mudah percaya dan mengecek terlebih dahulu setiap informasi terkait MER-C ke 021-3159235 atau 0811 99 0176.

Parahnya, penderitaan orang-orang Palestina dan simpati masyarakat dijadikan kesempatan untuk menipu. Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rojiun.
Semoga anda bisa menyebarkan informasi ini.
Untuk berita detik.com, anda bisa CLIK DI SINI

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

UNIW Condemn Isreali attack

The Union of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Islamic (UNIW) condemn Israeli attack in Mavi Marmara ships. The Secretary General Necmi Sadikoglu told this press release to International community. The condemnation as bellow:

Israel’s Banditry should not remain unreturned!

ISTANBUL - Secretary General of the Union of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Islamic (UNIW) Necmi Sadikoglu issued a press statement upon the armed attacks of Israel to the flotilla, which is taking humanitarian aid to Gaza, and called on the Turkish government and international powers to protect the aid flotilla and to stop Israel.

“Israel’s attack on the humanitarian aid ships is inhumane. Israel has once again transgressed the boundaries.” Sadikoglu said and called on the Turkish government, Islamic Countries and international decision-making mechanisms for urgent intervention.

“Israel shed blood in a ship where Turkish flags were displayed. Israel carried out attack on 600 civilians from 50 countries. Israel has lost forever after its attack causing 15 deaths and more than 100 people to get wounded! Israel has made banditry in international waters! It should get its response in the strongest manner.” Sadikoglu said and made the following calls in his statement:

  1. After this event, denouncement decisions give no benefit. International powers should take actual precautions.

  2. Turkish government should take all the necessary actions against this attack on the Turkish citizens and the ship that is carrying the Turkish flag.

  3. International powers should leave their silence against the Israeli interception to the aid flotilla and should immediately intervene in the matter.

  4. The Organization of the Islamic Conference should urgently come together and prepare an urgent action plan.

  5. International public opinion should not stay unreactive against the interception and the prevention of the aid flotilla and should organize wide protests in every scale.

  6. The conscience of the humanity is having one of the most important exams of its history. We are calling on the entire Islamic World and the humanity to take action and say stop to Israel in the face of this situation.

The Union of NGOs of The Islamic World (The UNIW)


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